How to Hide Followers on TikTok: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you’re an avid TikTok user, you might be wondering how to hide your followers on the app. While TikTok is a great platform to showcase your creativity and connect with others, not everyone is comfortable sharing their follower count with the world. Luckily, TikTok has a few privacy settings that can help you keep your followers hidden.

Before we dive into how to hide your followers, it’s important to understand TikTok’s privacy settings. TikTok offers a variety of privacy options, including the ability to make your account private, limit who can comment on your videos, and restrict who can duet with you. By default, your follower count is public, but you can change this setting to keep your followers hidden.

To hide your followers on TikTok, start by opening the app and tapping on your profile icon. From there, tap on the three dots in the top right corner to access your settings. Scroll down to the “Privacy” section and toggle on the “Hide Followers and Following Count” option. Your follower count will now be hidden from your profile page, but you’ll still be able to see your own follower count.

Key Takeaways

  • TikTok offers a variety of privacy settings, including the ability to hide your follower count.
  • To hide your followers on TikTok, navigate to your profile settings and toggle on the “Hide Followers and Following Count” option.
  • Hiding your followers on TikTok can help protect your privacy and make you feel more comfortable on the app.

Understanding TikTok’s Privacy Settings

TikTok is a social media platform that allows you to create and share short videos with your followers and the wider TikTok community. As with any social media platform, it is important to understand the privacy settings available to you.

TikTok offers a range of privacy settings that allow you to control who can see your videos, who can follow you, and who can send you messages. These settings can be accessed by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of your profile and selecting “Privacy and Safety.”

Account Privacy

Under the “Account Privacy” section, you can choose whether your account is public or private. If your account is public, anyone can see your videos, follow you, and send you messages. If your account is private, only your approved followers can see your videos, and you have more control over who can follow you and send you messages.


TikTok also allows you to control who can comment on your videos. You can choose to allow comments from everyone, only your followers, or no one at all. You can also filter out specific words or phrases to prevent inappropriate comments.

Duets and Reactions

Duets and reactions are features that allow other users to create videos using your original video. If you don’t want other users to be able to use your videos for duets or reactions, you can turn off this feature under the “Privacy and Safety” settings.

Blocking Users

If you receive unwanted messages or comments, or if someone is harassing you on TikTok, you can block them from your account. To do this, go to their profile, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select “Block.”

By understanding and utilizing TikTok’s privacy settings, you can have more control over who can see and interact with your videos on the platform.

Steps to Hide Followers on TikTok

If you’re looking for a way to hide your followers on TikTok, you’re in luck. TikTok has a built-in feature that allows you to do just that. Here’s how:

Accessing Your Privacy Settings

To get started, open the TikTok app on your device and go to your profile page. From there, tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen to access your account settings. Next, select “Privacy” from the list of options.

Finding the Follower Settings

Once you’re in the Privacy settings, scroll down until you see the “Safety” section. Underneath that, you should see an option labeled “Who Can Follow Me.” Tap on that option to access your follower settings.

Activating the Hide Followers Option

In the “Who Can Follow Me” settings, you’ll see an option labeled “Hide Followers.” Toggle this option on to hide your followers from other TikTok users. Once you’ve turned this option on, your followers will no longer be visible on your profile.

That’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can easily hide your followers on TikTok. Keep in mind that this will only hide your followers from other users – you’ll still be able to see your own follower count on your profile.

Implications of Hiding Followers on TikTok

Impact on Your Profile

Hiding your followers on TikTok can have a few implications on your profile. Firstly, it can make your profile appear less popular to new viewers. When someone visits your profile and sees that you have a low number of followers, they may be less likely to follow you themselves. This can be especially true if they are comparing your profile to others in the same niche.

On the other hand, hiding your followers can also make your profile seem more exclusive. If you have a high number of followers but choose to hide them, it can create a sense of mystery and intrigue around your profile. This can be especially effective if you are trying to build a brand or personal image that is based on exclusivity.

Effect on Your Followers

Hiding your followers can also have an effect on your current followers. Some may feel that you are trying to hide something from them or that you don’t trust them enough to see your follower count. This can lead to a loss of trust and loyalty from your followers.

On the other hand, hiding your followers can also create a sense of community among your followers. If you have a loyal fanbase that is dedicated to your content, they may feel more connected to you if they are part of a smaller, more exclusive group of followers.

Overall, the decision to hide your followers on TikTok should be based on your personal goals and preferences. While it can have both positive and negative implications, it ultimately comes down to what you feel is best for your profile and brand.

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Additional Privacy Measures on TikTok

If you want to have more control over your privacy on TikTok, there are a few additional measures you can take. In this section, we’ll cover two of the most important ones: the Private Account option and controlling who can view your content.

Private Account Option

The Private Account option is a great way to limit who can see your content on TikTok. When you enable this setting, only users that you approve as followers can see your videos and profile information. Here’s how to enable it:

  1. Open the TikTok app on your device.
  2. Tap on the “Me” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of the screen to open the Settings menu.
  4. Tap on “Privacy” and then on “Private Account.”
  5. Toggle on the “Private Account” option.

Once you have enabled the Private Account option, anyone who wants to follow you will need to request permission. You can approve or deny these requests as you see fit.

Controlling Who Can View Your Content

In addition to the Private Account option, TikTok also allows you to control who can view your content on a per-video basis. When you create a new video, you can choose to make it visible to:

  • Everyone: Anyone on TikTok can see your video.
  • Friends: Only your approved followers can see your video.
  • Only Me: You are the only one who can see your video.

To control who can view your video:

  1. Create a new video as you normally would.
  2. Before you post it, tap on the “Who Can View” option at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Choose the option that best suits your needs.

By default, TikTok sets the “Who Can View” option to “Everyone.” If you want to limit who can see your videos, make sure to change this setting before you post.

Overall, these additional privacy measures can help you feel more secure on TikTok. By limiting who can see your content and profile information, you can have more control over your online presence.


In conclusion, hiding your followers on TikTok is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Whether you are looking to maintain your privacy or protect your content from unwanted attention, there are several options available to you.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily hide your followers on TikTok and enjoy a more private and secure experience on the platform. Remember to always be cautious and mindful of your online presence, and take steps to protect your personal information and content from potential threats.

Overall, TikTok is a fun and engaging platform that offers a wide range of features and benefits to its users. By taking the time to learn more about the platform and its various settings and options, you can make the most of your TikTok experience and enjoy all that it has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I keep my TikTok followers from seeing who I follow?

You can hide the list of users you follow on TikTok by enabling the “Hide your Following list” option in your account’s privacy settings. This will prevent your followers from seeing the list of users you follow on your profile page.

How do I hide my TikTok followers from other users?

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely hide your TikTok followers from other users. However, you can make your account private to limit who can see your content and follow you. Only users you approve as followers will be able to see your content and follower count.

Is it possible to make my TikTok followers list private?

No, TikTok does not currently offer a way to make your followers list private. However, you can make your account private to limit who can see your content and follower count.

Can I hide my TikTok followers without making my account private?

No, the only way to hide your TikTok followers is by making your account private. This will limit who can see your content and follower count.

Is there a way to keep my TikTok followers from seeing my activity?

No, TikTok does not currently offer a way to prevent your followers from seeing your activity, such as likes and comments. However, you can make your account private to limit who can see your activity.

How do I prevent my TikTok followers from seeing my likes and comments?

You cannot prevent your TikTok followers from seeing your likes and comments. However, you can make your account private to limit who can see your activity.


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