How to Hide Your Instagram Followers Without Setting Your Account to Private

If you’re an avid Instagram user, you might be wondering how to hide your followers without having to make your account private. While Instagram doesn’t offer a built-in feature to hide your followers, there are a few workarounds that can help you achieve this goal. In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways you can hide your followers on Instagram without making your account private.

Before we dive into the steps you can take to hide your followers, let’s take a closer look at some of Instagram’s features. Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their followers. Users can follow on Instagram other users and see their posts in their feed. Instagram also allows users to see who is following them and who they are following. While this can be a useful feature, some users might prefer to keep this information private.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of Instagram, let’s take a look at the steps you can take to hide your followers on the platform without making your account private. By following these steps, you can keep your followers list hidden from other users while still maintaining a public account.

Key Takeaways

  • You can hide your followers on Instagram without making your account private.
  • Instagram doesn’t offer a built-in feature to hide your followers, but there are a few workarounds you can use.
  • By following a few simple steps, you can keep your followers list private while still maintaining a public account.

How to Hide Your Followers on Instagram Without Private Account

If you want to keep your Instagram account public but don’t want others to see your followers, there are a few ways to do it. Here are some steps that you can take to hide your followers on Instagram without making your account private:

  1. Remove Followers: One way to hide your followers is to remove them from your account. To do this, go to your profile, click on “Followers,” and then click on the three dots next to the follower you want to remove. From there, select “Remove Follower.” Keep in mind that this will remove the follower from your account entirely, and they will no longer be able to see your posts or interact with you on Instagram.
  2. Block Followers: Another way to hide your followers is to block them. To do this, go to your profile, click on “Followers,” and then click on the three dots next to the follower you want to block. From there, select “Block.” This will prevent the follower from seeing your posts or interacting with you on Instagram. However, keep in mind that this will also prevent you from seeing their posts and interacting with them on Instagram.
  3. Make Use of Instagram’s “Close Friends” Feature: Instagram’s “Close Friends” feature allows you to share your posts with a select group of people. To use this feature, go to your profile, click on the three lines in the top right corner, and select “Close Friends.” From there, you can add people to your “Close Friends” list. When you post something on Instagram, you can choose to share it with just your “Close Friends” instead of all of your followers.

By following these steps, you can hide your followers on Instagram without making your account private. Keep in mind that while these methods can help you control who sees your posts, they do not guarantee complete privacy.

Exploring Instagram’s Features

Instagram is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their followers. However, not everyone wants their followers to be visible to the public. In this section, we will explore how to hide your followers on Instagram without setting your account to private.

Follower Visibility

By default, your followers on Instagram are visible to the public. This means that anyone can see who is following you and who you are following. However, there are a few ways to hide your followers without setting your account to private.

One way to do this is by using the “Close Friends” feature. This feature allows you to create a list of close friends who can see your private stories and posts. By adding your followers to this list, you can limit their visibility to the public.

Another way to hide your followers is by using the “Mute” feature. This feature allows you to mute the posts and stories of your followers without unfollowing them. This means that their posts and stories will not appear in your feed, and they will not be notified that you have muted them.

Account Settings

In addition to the above features, there are a few settings in your Instagram account that you can adjust to hide your followers. To access these settings, go to your profile and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top right corner. From there, select “Settings” and then “Privacy.”

Under the “Connections” section, you can adjust who can see your followers and who you are following. By selecting “Only You,” you can hide your followers from the public. However, keep in mind that this will also hide the people you are following.

Another setting you can adjust is your “Activity Status.” This feature allows you to control who can see when you were last active on Instagram. By turning this off, you can limit the visibility of your followers and other users.

Overall, Instagram offers several features and settings that allow you to hide your followers without setting your account to private. By using these features, you can maintain your privacy while still sharing your content with your followers.

Steps to Hide Followers on Instagram

If you’re looking for a way to hide your followers on Instagram without making your account private, you’re in luck. Here are the steps you need to follow to make your followers list invisible to others:

Accessing Account Privacy Settings

  1. Open the Instagram app on your mobile device and go to your profile page.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the screen to access the menu.
  3. Select “Settings” from the bottom of the menu.
  4. Tap “Privacy” and then “Account Privacy.”

Adjusting Follower Visibility

  1. Once you’re on the “Account Privacy” page, toggle the “Private Account” switch to the off position.
  2. Scroll down to the “Connections” section and select “Followers.”
  3. Toggle the switch next to “Show Followers” to the off position.

That’s it! Now your followers list will be hidden from anyone who views your profile, even if your account is public. Keep in mind that this will not affect your ability to see your own followers list.

It’s important to note that hiding your followers may not be the best choice for everyone. If you’re an influencer or public figure, having a visible followers list can be important for establishing credibility and attracting new followers. However, if privacy is your top priority, this is a simple and effective solution.

Alternative Methods

If you don’t want to make your Instagram account private, there are still ways to hide your followers. Here are two alternative methods you can try:

Blocking Followers

If you don’t want a specific follower to see your posts or profile, you can block them. When you block someone, they won’t be able to follow you or see your posts, and they won’t be notified that you’ve blocked them.

To block a follower on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and tap on your followers list.
  2. Find the follower you want to block and tap on their name.
  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Tap “Block” and then confirm by tapping “Block” again.

Removing Followers

If you want to remove a follower without blocking them, you can do so by removing them from your followers list. When you remove a follower, they will no longer be able to see your posts, but they will still be able to follow you.

To remove a follower on Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile and tap on your followers list.
  2. Find the follower you want to remove and tap on their name.
  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen.
  4. Tap “Remove Follower” and then confirm by tapping “Remove” again.

Keep in mind that if you have a public account, anyone can follow you and see your posts. These alternative methods can help you control who sees your content, but they are not foolproof.

Considerations and Drawbacks

User Experience Impact

Hiding your followers on Instagram without a private account can have a significant impact on your user experience. When you choose to hide your followers, you will no longer be able to see who is following you and who is not. This can make it difficult to engage with your followers and build relationships with them.

Additionally, hiding your followers can make it harder for new users to discover your account. When someone visits your profile, they may be less likely to follow you if they cannot see who else is following you. This can make it harder to grow your following and reach new audiences.

Potential Follower Loss

Another potential drawback of hiding your followers is that you may lose followers as a result. Some users may feel that hiding your followers is dishonest or suspicious and may choose to unfollow you as a result. This can be especially true for users who are interested in following accounts with a large following.

It’s important to consider the potential impact of hiding your followers before making this decision. While it can provide some benefits, it can also have significant drawbacks that may impact your overall Instagram strategy.


In conclusion, hiding your followers on Instagram without a private account can be achieved through various methods. It is important to note that some of these methods may not be foolproof and may not work for everyone. However, by implementing some or all of the methods mentioned in this article, you can increase your privacy and control who sees your followers list.

Remember, if you choose to hide your followers, it may affect your engagement rate and the growth of your account. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • You can use third-party apps to hide your followers on Instagram.
  • You can create a close friends list to limit who sees your followers.
  • You can use the “Mute” feature to hide posts and stories from certain followers.
  • You can also consider setting your account to private if you want to have more control over who sees your content.

Overall, it is important to prioritize your privacy and security on social media. By taking the necessary steps to hide your followers, you can have more control over your online presence and protect your personal information.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make my Instagram followers list private?

If you want to make your Instagram followers list private, you need to set your account to private. By doing so, only your approved followers will be able to see your followers list.

How to hide your following list on Instagram from followers?

If you want to hide your following list on Instagram from your followers, you can do so by setting your account to private. This will ensure that only your approved followers can see your following list.

Who can see my followers on Instagram?

By default, anyone who visits your Instagram profile can see your followers list. However, if you set your account to private, only your approved followers will be able to see your followers list.

Can my followers see who I follow on Instagram?

If your Instagram account is set to public, your followers can see who you follow. However, if you set your account to private, only your approved followers will be able to see who you follow.

Is there a way to hide my Instagram followers from public view?

Yes, you can hide your Instagram followers from public view by setting your account to private. This will ensure that only your approved followers can see your followers list.

Can I see hidden followers on Instagram?

No, you cannot see hidden followers on Instagram. If someone has set their account to private, only their approved followers will be able to see their followers list.


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