Destructive Wave 5e: How to Use This Powerful Spell in Your Next Game

Destructive Wave is a powerful spell in the 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons that unleashes a wave of energy that damages enemies and heals the caster. This spell is unique because it deals both thunder and radiant damage, making it difficult for enemies to resist. It is a 5th-level spell, which means that it is only available to high-level characters, but it is a spell that can make a significant impact in battle.

When cast, Destructive Wave creates a wave of energy that emanates from the caster, dealing damage to all enemies within a 30-foot radius. The spell deals 5d6 thunder damage and 5d6 radiant damage, and enemies that fail their saving throw take full damage.

In addition, the caster gains temporary hit points equal to the total amount of damage dealt, up to a maximum of 50. This makes Destructive Wave an excellent choice for characters who must deal damage while staying alive in battle.

Overall, Destructive Wave is a powerful spell that can turn the tide of battle in favor of the caster. It is a spell that requires careful planning and positioning, affecting all enemies within a 30-foot radius. However, for those who can master its use, Destructive Wave is an excellent addition to any spellcaster’s arsenal.

What is Destructive Wave 5e?

Destructive Wave is a spell in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition that allows a player to create a powerful wave of energy that damages all creatures within a 30-foot radius. This spell can be cast by Paladins who have reached 5th level or higher and is a great choice for players who want to deal significant damage to multiple enemies at once.

When a player casts Destructive Wave, they create a wave of energy that radiates from their location, damaging all creatures within range. The spell deals both thunder and radiant damage, making it effective against various enemy types. The Area of damage dealt by the spell increases as the player gains levels, making it even more powerful as they progress through the game.

One of the key benefits of Destructive Wave is its ability to damage multiple enemies at once. This makes it an excellent choice for players facing large groups of enemies or wanting to take out multiple targets quickly. The spell’s range and Area of effect also make it a great choice for players who want to attack enemies from a safe distance.

How to Use Destructive Wave in 5e

Casting Destructive Wave

Destructive Wave is a 5th-level spell clerics, and paladins can cast in the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons. The caster must use an action and expend a spell slot to cast the spell. The spell has verbal and somatic components, so the caster must be able to speak and gesture to cast the spell.

Damage Type and Range

The damage type of Destructive Wave is both thunder and radiant. The spell has a range of self, which means that the caster is the center of the spell’s Area of effect.

Area of Effect

The Area of the effect of the Destructive Wave is a 30-foot radius around the caster. All creatures within that radius, including the caster, must make a Constitution saving throw. Creatures that fail the saving throw take 5d6 thunder damage and 5d6 radiant damage, while those that succeed take half damage. Additionally, creatures that fail the saving throw are knocked prone.

The spell’s Area of effect is not selective, affecting all creatures within the radius, including allies. It is important to position oneself carefully before casting the spell to avoid harming allies or oneself.

Overall, Destructive Wave is a powerful spell that can damage enemies and knock them prone. However, its Area of effect also risks allies and the caster, so it must be used with caution and strategic positioning.

Advantages of Destructive Wave in 5e


Destructive Wave is a versatile spell that can be used in various situations. It is effective against both single targets and groups of enemies, making it a great option for any encounter. Destructive Wave 5e spell has a range of 30 feet, which allows the caster to hit multiple targets at once. Additionally, the spell does thunder and radiant damage, making it difficult for enemies to resist. This versatility makes Destructive Wave a great spell for any character to have in their arsenal.

Crowd Control

Destructive Wave is also an excellent spell for crowd control. When cast, it creates a shockwave that knocks enemies prone within a 30-foot radius. This can be especially useful when facing large groups of enemies, giving the party a chance to regroup and plan their next move. The prone condition also gives the party advantage on attacks against the affected enemies, making it easier to take them down.

Damage Output

Finally, the Destructive Wave has a serious damage output. The spell does 5d6 thunder damage and 5d6 radiant damage to all enemies within range. This can be especially devastating to enemies vulnerable to either type of damage. The high damage output makes Destructive Wave a great option for dealing with tough enemies or bosses.

Overall, Destructive Wave is a versatile spell that can be used in various situations. Its ability to knock enemies prone and deal high damage makes it a great option for crowd control and taking down tough enemies. Any character with access to this spell should consider adding it to their repertoire.

Disadvantages of Destructive Wave in 5e

Disadvantages of Destructive Wave in 5e

A destructive Wave is a powerful spell that can significantly damage enemies in a large area. However, players should be aware of several disadvantages to using this spell before adding it to their spell list.

Friendly Fire Risk

One major disadvantage of Destructive Wave is the risk of causing friendly fire. The spell affects all creatures within a 30-foot radius, including allies. This means that if a player is not careful, they can accidentally harm their party members. This risk can be mitigated by careful positioning and communication among the party, but it is still a potential danger.

Limited Uses

Another disadvantage of the Destructive Wave is its limited uses. The spell requires a 5th-level spell slot, meaning it cannot be used frequently. Players may need to conserve their spell slots for more important battles, which can limit their ability to use this spell. Additionally, some classes may have other, more useful spells in certain situations, making Destructive Wave less valuable overall.

High Spell Slot Requirement

The high spell slot requirement for Destructive Wave also means it is not accessible to all players. Only classes with access to 5th-level spells can use this spell, limiting its usefulness in a party. Players who do not have access to this spell may need to rely on other spells or abilities to deal damage in combat.

What is the Destructive Spell 5e?

The Destructive Wave 5e is a powerful spell that unleashes a wave of energy that damages and destroys everything in its path. It is a 5th-level spell that clerics and paladins can cast with access to the spellcasting feature. The spell requires verbal and somatic components, and the caster must be able to see the Area of effect.

When the spell is cast, a wave of energy emanates from the caster, extending in a 30-foot radius. The Wave deals thunder and radiant damage to all creatures in the Area of effect. The spell also heals the caster and allies within the Area of effect. As the caster’s level increases, they deal more damage and receive more healing.

The Destructive Wave 5e is a powerful spell that can turn the tide of battle. It can be especially effective against groups of enemies, as it damages all creatures within its Area of effect. However, it should be used cautiously, as it can also harm allies within the Area of effect. Also read about Sector NYT Crossword, streams east and Traffico Anomalo Google.


The Destructive Wave spell is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons player. Its ability to damage all creatures within a 30-foot radius and knock them prone makes it a great option for clearing out large groups of enemies. However, it is important to use this spell wisely and strategically.

Players should aim to position themselves in the center of a group of enemies to get the most out of Destructive Wave. This will ensure that the spell affects the maximum number of creatures. Additionally, players should be mindful of their surroundings and avoid using this spell in situations where it could cause collateral damage to friendly NPCs or structures.

Destructive Wave is a powerful and versatile spell that can be a game-changer in the right situation. Using it strategically and carefully, and players can take down multiple enemies simultaneously and gain the upper hand in combat.


1. Which waves are more destructive?

Ans: In general, larger waves tend to be more destructive than smaller ones. However, the specific level of destruction caused by a wave depends on many factors, such as the speed, height, and direction of the Wave and the strength and durability of the structures it encounters.

2. Who can cast Destructive Wave 5e?

Ans: Destructive Wave is a spell that can be cast by paladins who have reached level 5. It is a powerful spell that can significantly damage enemies within a 30-foot radius of the caster.

3. What is the most destructive spell in 5e?

Ans: There are many spells in 5e that can cause significant damage, but it’s difficult to say which is the most destructive. Some of the most powerful spells include Meteor Swarm, Power Word Kill, and Disintegrate. However, the level of destruction caused by a spell depends on many factors, such as the level of the caster, the target’s defenses, and the environment in which the spell is cast.

4. Can you upcast Destructive Wave 5e?

Ans: Yes, Destructive Wave can be upcast to a higher level. When cast at a higher level, the spell’s damage increases by 1d6 for each level above 5th. For example, if cast at the 6th level, the spell would deal 6d6 damage instead of 5d6.


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